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Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Modu Phone

Modu,an Israeli company announcing its unique phone called Modu.The Modu phone is sized at a little smaller than an iPod Nano and weighs at 42 grams only. Sports a small screen, Modu Phone packs only minimal keypad to navigate or dial numbers. Yeah, it look like Siemens Xelibri phone series with a bigger screen size.

For comfortable and fashion purpose, Modu comes with a jacket that will make it a full functional regular phone. Just pop the Modu phone in to its jacket and voila it become a regular phone with full keypad and has normal size.The jacket itself has no electronic component and will be changeable when available in the market with cheap price.

The Modu Phone boasts GPRS connectivity only for now, but Modu said that the 3G version is in the works. Modu phone is expected to be available in October in Italy, Russia and Israel with $280 price tag included a standard jacket.This also holds the guiness record.

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